Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Welcome to our new project blog.


This blog has been created to document and share with the world our big family project, converting a school bus into an RV. A daunting endeavor but still very attainable. Let me run you thru what we've realized so far.

The Problem

I've always wanted a bus. Having traveled in coaches during my teens as a musician, I've always figured it would be awesome to have the whole "pad on wheels" concept you get when you're a rock star with your own touring bus.

Willie Nelson in his bus, captured by Danny Clinch.
Although it being more far-fetched and very ficticious, another bus on of my "want list" is Buckaroo Banzaï's bus equipped with his "world watch" communication room and his Japanese themed bedroom in the back.

Obviously, when you look at what is available on the market for bus size RVs, the price tag is way beyond my typical middle-class "married with kids" budget. So the only economical alternative comes to mind, converting a school bus. But here is the problem:

I've always hated converted school buses.

They are either half done hunting cabins, some have ugly and weird set-ups or sometimes they are just plain school buses occupied by hippies. Once in a while you see one that has been completely finished, but sadly, they often look like prison transport buses.

So owning a bus wasn't an option until I came across this...


 The Solution

I first stumbled upon Jake von Slatt's bus while watching a TV show on all things steampunk. It just looks so good! I figured it had to be a vintage transit bus or a square version of a Flxible bus of some sort to have such a vintage look. But to my surprise it was a rear-engined Thomas school bus. Then there was the interior.

And to top it all off, a "Master Bedroom" fitted snugly in the back, directly on the engine hump.

The best part of all this? The cost of a retired school bus is around 2000$. As for parts and building materials, most of it Jake von Slatt picked it up straight out of his local recycling dump. The cost of this project is well below the price of a modest camper trailer, and you end up with a fully loaded bus...

It was official, I was in love. I needed to build one.

By the way, I strongly suggest you visit Jake von Slatt bus conversion page here. All the pictures of his bus that I've posted here are from his website.  The rest of his website and blog are also very addictive! If you go there to browse a few minutes, you'll probably end up telling yourself "I'll just read one last past post." during countless hours

The Reality

Could I build this myself? Do I have the resources? As Boromir puts it...

So I've had a few years to think about all this, to make myself comfy at the idea of jumping into this kind of project. But still I needed a push, and that's when my wife comes in...

My wife and I are big camping fans. We used to go camping a lot, but since we've had kids, sleeping in a tent has been frustrating to say the least. We started looking at our different options and my bus idea came up, what had started as just a crazy idea was starting to make sense. In fact, this project could be the accomplishment of many of our dreams simultaneously. We both agreed that it will be a big push (work could spread over two summers) but we are both ready to put in the effort. What had started as just a far-fetched idea is now our new family project. 

And so begins are big adventure, stay tuned for more updates as the project carries on!

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